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Get up to 50% off during our
Grand Anniversary Sale! Sept 15-Oct 15

Should I Wear In-The-Ear Hearing Aids?

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Getting a hearing aid can be a terrifying phase in your life. It is like being in a world that is completely different from those around you. It takes a lot to get used to and plays a very important role in your life.

Before you actually get one, you have to know which specific one is the best for you. There are many styles of hearing aids that you can choose from. Let’s get to know one of them.

What are in-the-ear hearing aids?

This style of hearing aids sits inside your ears. You read that right. Inside your ears! It’s not to be confused with a device that is inside the ear canal. It is the largest of all custom hearing aids probably to not accidentally get stuck inside the ear canal.

Do you think this style of hearing aids is the one for you? Learning about its benefits and limitations will help you answer that.


1. Great for severe hearing loss cases

With the hearing aid sitting close to the ear canal, you get an ideal sound reception, which is especially helpful for patients with severe hearing loss conditions.

2. Easier to handle

If you are someone who has dexterity problems and reduced vision, then in-the-ear hearing aids can be very ideal for you. Because of its size, it would be easier for you to remove it from and/or insert it into your ear.

3. Better speech understanding

Just like most hearing devices today, it can help you understand people talking around you even with noise in the background. And, because the hearing aid is very near to your ear, the sound is projected better.

4. Stability

Some hearing aids, especially the ones who are not the right fit for you, tend to move about when you are walking or eating. But because of in-the-ear hearing aids’ big surface area, it is less likely to do so.


1. Limited power

Well, not all of them. Some ITEs have limited power. This means you really have to read and understand the spec sheet to know the power you’ll get and counter check that with your condition and demand for sound.

2. Prone to damage

Especially in the case of ear infections, ITEs are prone to damage. You may better try the other types that are not likely to get damaged easily in such ear conditions.

3. Require more cleaning

If cleaning is a chore you always wanted to escape or having a hard time doing, then ITEs might not be for you. Since these are more likely to encounter issues with ear wax build-up, it requires dutiful cleaning.

Still good with in-the-ear hearing aids? You can get fitted for it in our center. You can call us at (632) 523 0098 for more information.

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