Active Hearing Center

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What To Do If My Hearing Aids Get Wet?

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We often get this question: Will hearing aids work after getting wet? It depends on how it got soaked. But don’t panic; most hearing aids have a protective coating.

Sometimes, you forget you wore your hearing aids when jumping off a pool or taking a shower. Since hearing aids are electronic devices, water and hearing aids don’t go together.

Tips on how to get your hearing aids working after getting soaked or wet:

  1. Remove the device from the water as quickly as possible. It is better if there’s less water exposure.
  2. Open the battery door if it’s a battery-operated type of hearing aid and remove it from your device. If the battery touches the water, most likely, it will corrode. This may form rust inside your device if it is not removed. If it’s a rechargeable type of hearing aid, turn off the hearing aid. Do not put in the charger.
  3. Shake the water out of your hearing aid. Dry it with a towel and gently tap the hearing aid.
  4. Let the hearing aid dry with a dehumidifier) with the battery door open if it is a battery-operated type of hearing aid for at least a day or two. If it’s a rechargeable type of hearing aid do not turn it on or put in the charger. Just leave it inside a case with a silica gel or a dehumidifier. Try checking if the hearing aid works after two days and if the hearing aid is already dry.
  5. Bring your hearing aids to your hearing care professional to have them checked at the clinic. Most hearing aids have warranties, so ensure you bring them with you when you have them checked or repaired.

Do not: Put your hearing aid in a microwave oven to dry up. Unfortunately, it will only melt the circuit board of your device. Ensure that you don’t forget to take out your hearing aid before a shower or if it’s raining.

See a professional

If you are still experiencing problems, Active Hearing Center is always ready to help. Visit any of our branches for thorough drying and cleaning or for any repairs needed to make your hearing aids good as new, or recommend a new pair if the hearing aids cannot be repaired anymore. Contact us today for your hearing aid check-up.

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