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When is the Right Time to Replace My Hearing Aids

If your current pair of hearing aids isn’t making the job done, how do you know when to have them fixed or replaced? There are advantages and disadvantages to occasional repair and readjustment than having it replaced. Here are some of them:

Change in health

Completely-in-the-canal styles may be tough to operate if you have agility issues. Behind-the-ear (BTE) and in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids might be more effortless; better yet, rechargeable hearing aids eradicate the nuisance of changing batteries.

Hearing aids that you can use for a longer period — you may go back to your audiologist on a schedule to have the device replaced inside your ear canals — a great choice for people with low vision and skill. Health issues may also warrant a change: Ménière’s Disease, an inner ear disorder that causes dizziness, ringing in the ears, and a sense of fullness in the ear, in addition to hearing loss. Individuals with fluctuating hearing loss, like those with Ménière’s, need “to be able to manually adjust their hearing aids based on specific programs set by their audiologist to accommodate hearing changes that can occur from day to day,” says Collins, Associate Director of Audiology Professional Practices at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Or they have to frequently visit their ENTs and audiologists.

Hearing aids don’t function as well as they used to

Wear and tear that is expected in devices, plus damage from ear wax and moisture, the average lifespan of a set of hearing aids is about five years.

Over time, You should replace parts such as the microphones and receivers inside hearing aids. They are so small and tolerant to wax and moisture that having these parts be professionally cleaned by an audiologist or replaced regularly.

Due to the availability of parts and circuitry, some hearing aid manufacturers will not offer repair services if a device is over five years old.

Change of Hearing

Age-related hearing loss, or presbycusis, can deteriorate even if you’ve been wearing hearing aids regularly. Try this: turn up the volume on your hearing aids — or the television — louder than usual. See if there are changes in your hearing. An audiologist can determine whether you need to upgrade or modify your current set.

Change in Lifestyle

Technology certainly contributes to loss of hearing and hearing aids. There are hearing aids that are Bluetooth compatible, letting you stream audio straight to your hearing aids from your device. You might also have been swimming more often and spending more time outdoors, fishing or cycling since you bought your last pair of hearing aids. Make sure that your hearing aid can suppress wind and noise.

A change in the usage of other electronics may open the door to more excellent connectivity with hearing aids and deserve a change of hearing aids.

Times have Changed – Technology

Hearing aids aren’t like smartphones — there isn’t a new model every year that provokes what you have practically outdated. But the technology is constantly developing, and technology says you might need a new pair with newer attributes. There are evident technology advancements every three to five years, especially in processing speed and advancements to digital signal processing and noise removal.

Seek help from your trusted hearing care professionals

Visit any of our hearing care centers in the Philippines if you’re experiencing concerns with your hearing devices. We can check the device to see what the problem is or give you advice for replacement.

Make sure the device fits appropriately, and examine your ears to ensure they are clear of obstructions. In rare cases, you may need different devices or new earmolds since ear shapes can change with time, affecting how the hearing aids fit. Book an appointment at a branch nearest you.

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